Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Bill and Hillary Clinton nickname Billary

Bill and Hillary Clinton nickname Billary, A brief examination of the Jaunted archives shows that we've never had a chance to write about airport news coming out of Little Rock National Airport, despite it being the largest airport in Arkansas.

LIT serves 18 different cities to the tune of 150 flights a day, and is a mere 2 miles from the central business district of Little Rock. The airfield dates back to the 1910s, and commercial flights began all the way back in the 1930s. If you want to see the official slide presentation describing LIT's 2020 infrastructure roadmap it's posted here, because the Internet is magic that way.

For all the airport's history, it's in the news this week for something a little more modern. The Little Rock Airport Commission voted unanimously earlier this week to rename it the "Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport," honoring the past President and current Secretary of State.

The airport is promising a branding campaign to go along with the new name, which they say will "give the facility an identity that will be instantly recognized nationally and internationally." And we'd make a joke about Bill Clinton's recognizable facilities, but this is a family blog (and no, not really, but yes, we know that joke doesn't make any sense anyway).

The airport has announced that it will keep its LIT designation even under the new name, which is fair enough. Less clear is what nickname the facility is going to get, since there's no way that people are going to ask to go "Bill and Hillary Clinton National" when they hop into a cab. The smart dull money is on something like "Clinton National," but our preference is for "Billary National." Join us in pushing that, won't you?
Title: Bill and Hillary Clinton nickname Billary
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